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Writers’ Resources:
Sci Fi Worldbuilding Templates

From the blog to the YouTube channel, Casey Hudson shares a lot of ideas about worlds. But, now, it's time to get working. Enjoy these structured worldbuilding templates to help get you started on your sci fi writer journey.

Fictional Character

Summary Sheet: Complex Character

To create three dimensional characters, one must consider both culture and personal traits. Expand upon your character's personal motivation and societal values with this worldbuilding template pdf.

PI Space Station Image.jpg

Worksheet: Space Station

Sci-fi space stations can learn a lot from the real world. Get started thinking about amenities, resourcing, and station culture with these writing prompts for satellite stations in space.

Worldbuilding Economy for a Sci-Fi Universe

Writing economic systems in sci fi can involve micro and macro . But what’s essential to worldbuilding economy? Explore these vital worldbuilding questions.

Start Your Economic System Build

Complete this form to access the worksheet overview.


Summary Sheet: Geography

From the vastness of a planet's solar system, to the intricacies of its flora and fauna, geography can be a fun and interesting aspect of a world. Build important environmental concepts with this template for spaces and places.

Solar System

Monthly Templates

Join Casey Hudson on her worldbuilding journey as she shares the questions and templates behind the Drifting Amalgams science fiction universe. Get a new template every other week for just $5 USD / month.

cultural gate

Summary Sheet: Culture

Culture encompases institutions, values, and behaviors. The needs of the few and the needs of the many make up this complex system of social management. This template will help create a rich foundation for a realistic society.

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