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Wooden-Geared Orrery

Looking to make an orrery? Thinking about using wooden gears? Us too! But somehow, ours didn’t turn out.

Watch us make it up as we go along while we try to scratchbuild a wooden orrery for the imaginary universe of Casey Hudson’s science fiction novels.

More about Upwards Finger Pointing

Pronounced: [Repetitive Diagonal Pointing up with Index Fingers]

Common: Star

Upwards Finger Pointing's childhood orrery was put in a museum after her death.

Upwards Finger Pointing is an only child who inherited her mother’s small home range when her mother died giving birth to her. Finding little of interest on Ponga, Upwards Finger Pointing has always had her eye on the stars—ever since she heard she was born just a few decades too late to be an astronaut. Though her mother always thought of her as Two Hands Cupping (Hope), in keeping with tradition, she was officially named when she entered public schooling; her name was chosen in reference to her early and firmly held love of astronomy.

Having no choices outside of the military, Upwards Finger Pointing joined as soon as she could walk and talk, since none of her family wanted to be burdened with this extra mouth to feed. The military acted as her mother, educating her in basic knowledge until she began to advance in astrophysics.

Always hoping to travel beyond Ponga, but settling for “extraplanetary observation for alien threats,” Upwards Finger Pointing jumped at the chance to join the exploratory mission that uncovers the events that unfolded prior to the Species War.

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