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Scratchbuilding IndServ Off-Planet Greenhouse / Loader Combo

An ever-present financial entity on the planet of Barpadai, Industrial Services (IndServ) can meet the challenge of feeding and healing the expanding population of the tri-galaxy area. Their off-planet farming division boasts hassle free greenhouse and loader technology for the busy farmer. Watch this real-life scratch build of the conceptualized Drifting Amalgams product.

More about Industrial Services:

Off-Planet Farming Division

The off-planet farming division handles the agricultural needs of the small and large farmer—whether they are farming on their own planet or an uninhabited one.

Comprehensive horticulture service includes site inspection for sentient life-forms, plan for ensuring biological diversity preservation, automated resource monitoring and replacement (atmosphere, gravity, nutrients, water, light, etc.), and automated harvesting.

The busy farmer can enjoy remote crop management via IndServ’s revolutionary greenhouse environment control setup. Alerts are automatically investigated by IndServ staff. And, for commercial farmers, state-of-the-art, hassle-free greenhouse and loader technology is part of the luxury package upgrade.


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