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Scratchbuilding a Globe of Straephrob

A first on World Workings, Aaron’s actually sci fi world building a world.

Watch this unique scratch building project where Aaron will build a working globe of the sturnovula planet of Straephrob from Casey Hudson's sci-fi book series.

More about the Planet of Straephrob

Straephrob is a rocky planet with a solid surface and liquid water on its surface, plate tectonics, a magnetosphere, and an atmosphere. Its star emits relatively few UV rays, but still provide enough non-UV radiation to provide life-bearing temperatures.


Straephrob is a predominantly avian planet, dominated by sturnovula and euphacaro. Aquatic species are also common, including: seastars, sea urchins, and many species of coral.


Conifers/evergreens, especially spruce are characteristic of winter. Deciduous trees are prominent in the summer.  Mangroves are also common in intertidal zones.

Fruits including wild and cultivated cherries, holly berries, hackberries, mulberries, tupelo, Virginia creeper, sumac, and blackberries; as well as grains and seeds, are also common.


Larger non-avian species include rabbits and rodents. Smaller species are commonly invertebrates/insects and include grasshoppers, beetles, flies, caterpillars, snails, worms, millipedes, and spiders.


  • Intertidal Zone

  • Shrubland

  • Grassland

  • Forest

  • Marsh


Because the concept of exploiting the planet has not been a major focus of Straephrob's inhabitants, many “resources” remain undiscovered by the species of the planet.

That said, pentapardi and xenopulei mine and harvest valuable medicinals (such as the favaberri, known for its fertility properties) as well as materials for their ships.


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