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Making and Remaking a Scratchbuilt Transit Vehicle

The Drifting Amalgams universe has a primate planet called Ponga. The people of this planet have been at war for centuries, and what began as a slow conquering of smaller territories became an all-out battle when a growing group of people refused to be subsumed.

Once a mere nuisance, the Oomfr’crumf resisting faction gained attention when they had the audacity to destroy the ruling nation’s developing maglev system.

This is a retouched visualization of the now defunct Oomfr’crumf maglev.

Now, let’s watch Aaron build it from scratch.

More about Strife on Ponga

For hundreds of thousands of years, the po’ongabel battled to become the dominant species on the planet of Ponga. Banding together against the pongtupan and pongupigma, the po’ongabel formed a loose species-based alliance. While the main objective took precedence, a group of ambitious females began to amass power during the long absences of their warring mates. Eventually forming peaceful alliances with some and tasking their mates to convince the holdouts, the ultimate Oomfr’crumf goal, under the council’s rule, is One Nation.


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