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Making a Bat out of Dinosaurs

Kit bashing a bat-like species can be difficult. More so, when you're using dinosaurs, Play-Doh, and wood glue.

More about Rayesz Kunthalo

Pronounced: rye-ACE COO-thuh-lo

Rayesz has many talents, and it could be said that engineering is one of them. But amongst a people who specialize in mathematical pursuits, she’s nothing spectacular. What she is, though, is an exceptional flier.

For this reason, her mentor, Odalee, was a godsend. Rayesz has never fully understood the variety that lay within the discipline of engineering. What did it mean that Odalee was a flight engineer? As a child by Odalee’s side, Rayesz learned how flight worked, and she was able to learn the intricacies of flying by gradually serving more and more as Odalee’s test pilot whenever Odalee helped out her friends in the military.

First introduced to on-ship racing when she was assisting Odalee, Rayesz knew from an early age that she wanted to be wherever the best races were happening. If that meant joining the military, she was ready to sign up. Wanting to be known for her speed, and developing an interest in all things flight, Rayesz became singularly focused on navigation and piloting. Sometimes to the ignorance of all else—including other people.

Fast flying means fast thinking, so Rayesz became known for her quick wit, sharp tongue, and limited patience—but the best person for the job if you need to get out of a tight spot quickly.

Frankly, Rayesz never cared much for politics or planetary defense. But, she never cared much for anything beyond being a better and faster flier, so she developed some of the most advanced ships known for centuries beyond her career in the military.

Though she continued to consult in this vein for her entire life, she paid no attention to what happened to her research and work; she never took note that much of her knowledge and maneuvers became the foundation for textbooks. Nor did she ever think about how her work would be used against any friends she may have made along the way.

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