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Double Hockey Sticks Spaceship

How would you scratch build a spaceship? From hockey sticks, toys, and a broken drill?

Watch Aaron do it wrong as he creates a freighter model for Casey Hudson's sci-fi book series.

More about Barpadai Space Travel

Purpose / User

There are two forms of space travel. For transportation of goods and large shipments, long-haul ships of varying size are commonly used. For transportation of organics, smaller, faster ships are used. All ships are equipped with FTL, and all electronics are strongly shielded to prevent disorienting the tadaribrae as they are operating the ship.

Tadaribrae engineered and maintain FTL mechanisms for most known ships. Their diminutive size and dexterous hands allow them to manipulate the fiddly parts needed. Similarly, the evolution of their gravitational awareness resulted in an unexpected ability to chart hundreds of inhabitable worlds.

Date of Invention

500 years ago

Inventor / Motivation

The tadaribrae interest in engineering and maintaining this system lies in their continued ability to use a vast travel network to create and visit distant roosts regularly. To facilitate this, an interstellar travel network has been built with stations near preferred tadaribrae roost sites.

Primary User / Availability / Cost

Ships and related technology were developed on Barpadai for the use of this planet’s peoples. However, as alliances have been formed and stations have been built, other planets’ species have been allowed access and possession of these ships. Due to their cheap resourcing—supplied via Straephrob—spaceship and space travel cost is affordable/available for the average individual.

Side Effects

Because these ships were developed by and for Barpadai travellers, some species experience side effect related to them not being accustomed to the atmospheric and environmental designs. Common side effects include nausea, dizziness, disorientation, and lack of coordination.

To ensure the safety of non-tadaribrae, special enclosure and filtration chambers have been designed to accumulate ammonia from tadaribrae roosts for later conversion into fertilizer.


Controls and default settings are meant for Barpadai comfort include darkened rooms and chambers, important controls set up high, tiny gadgetry, and supersonic vocal command atonement. Despite other species’ requests to adapt these features to make them more accessible, tadaribrae have made little adjustments to the original Barpadai-friendly design.

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