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Building a Spaceship with Household Items

Making spaceships is one of Aaron’s favorite activities, which is good because sci-fi novels tend to have a lot of them.

Enjoy Aaron’s sci fi world building craft build, as he visualizes the Pallas’s Class Interdiction Prowlers from Casey Hudson's sci-fi book series.

More about Pallas’s Class Interdiction Prowlers

Pallas's Class Interdiction Prowlers (PCIPs) are part of Barpadai’s proximal space patrolling force and are investigatory by nature. They are designed for passive defense, including extraplanetary positioning system (an off-planet equivalent of GPS) tagging of suspicious vessels.

Additionally, space stations monitor satellites, distant planetary space, and space outposts; they check findings against flight plans and known travel and dispatch patrollers to investigate space anomalies.

In these instances, patrollers are responsible for deciding whether to disable, damage, or destroy the interloper. If, for instance, they encounter someone with no flight plans and no functioning radio, they can either make a fast decision to have the dispatcher damage, disable, or destroy the ship or they can intercept the ship to investigate further.

PCIPs maintain constant contact with the space station responsible for monitoring the designated sector and alert the station if it needs to deploy security measures and/or “nets” to detain or dispose of questionable ships. These stations also serve as interrogation centers. Thus, the PCIP does not bear the burden of dispensing with the space debris they create, and the patroller can leave expediently to check out the next anomaly.

Pallas's Class Interdiction Prowler Design

PCIPs need speed and maneuverability to outflank or chase down intruders. They have a sleek, basic exterior with a compact sensory and communications array.

Propulsion and Thrust - Thrusters burn efficiently with a special blend of refined tadaribrae guano fuel known for its turbo boosting power.

Power - Ships’ weapons and systems are electromagnetically powered by the stars and planets they move around.

Navigation - Navigation is done primarily through manual hand control. Artificial intelligence can be engaged to speed up reaction time once a course of action has been decided by a living operator. Controls also respond to various purring frequencies–a vocal command system that can be used to lock enemies out of control systems.

Communications and Data Handling - The combined sensory and communications array of pentapardi patrol ships allows them to detect ships from a significant distance as well as communicate with unregistered ships both visually and verbally. These arrays are shielded and have multiple backups to ensure that one hit from an enemy ship does not disable main functionality.

Thermal Management and Durability - PCIPs spend their entire lifespan in space. They are built, maintained, and repaired on space stations and have been designed to endure the ravages of the vacuum. However, any attempt to fly or pull them into atmosphere will fail due to their vulnerability outside of their natural environment.

Interior / Creature Comforts - A minimalist interior with close quarters and no creature comforts allow all ship’s resources to be focused on the job it is designed for.

Weaponry and Defensive Shielding - Because some vessels will immediately engage patrol ships, PCIPs have been equipped with electrical and radio neutralizers, an array of lethal weapons that can be deployed just before a fast escape, and heavy shielding to protect the patrol officers during confrontation.

Artificial intelligence can give recommendations, but has no direct control of ship’s weapons. This feature allows patrollers to assess various situations and determine when to disable, damage, or destroy a suspicious vessel. And if a decision is made that may cause an interplanetary incident, there is a person to blame (and “punish”).


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